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      1. 国产综合成人久久大片,无遮挡又黄又爽又色的动态图1000,精品无码视频99日韩精品,久久人人爽人人双人av

        Technological Innovation
        Technological Innovation

        Do what others don't want to do, do what others can't do, do what others don't do, do what others don't do well

        Technology Platform

        Chambroad Petrochemicals is the sole local refining enterprise with innovation ability and transformation ability in the whole process of bench-scale test -- pilot test -- engineering design -- industrial application in Shandong.Chambroad attaches importance to R&D investment, configuration and layout. With the entire factory as a demonstration base for the industrial application of new technologies, Chambroad takes the lead in applying advanced technology, and devotes itself to building a demonstration factory for the transformation and upgrading of the refining industry.

        • Bench-scale test
          20,000m² R&D Building
        • Pilot test
          6,800m² Pilot Test Building
        • Industrialization
          Production equipment
        • Demonstration factory
          Industrial park

        Innovation platform

        We embrace the research & development philosophy of “Improve Today, Innovate Tomorrow, Research the Next Day, and Prepare for the Future” and center around driving the upgrade of the manufacturing and operation value chain with technological innovation.

        We integrate the technological resources of 15 core universities, 20 central universities, and 30 key universities or research institutes at home and abroad to build an industrial technology innovation platform for industry, university, and research integration.

        We have built 13 innovation centers nationwide and have many provincial and municipal enterprise technology centers, joint technology centers, and joint laboratories, which have enhanced the company's originality.

        Technologies and Achievements

        • 5+
          world-leading technologies
        • 40+
          international advanced technologies
        • 30+
          domestic-leading technologies
        • 10+
          domestic advanced technologies
        • 150+
          patents for invention
        • 60+
          utility model patents
        • 10+
          awards for progress in science and technology
        • 20+
          certificates of science and technology advances
        国产综合成人久久大片,无遮挡又黄又爽又色的动态图1000,精品无码视频99日韩精品,久久人人爽人人双人av GOGOGO高清在线播放免费观看| 噼里啪啦免费观看视频大全| 国产亚洲成人av一级特黄高清aaaa大片| 聚集的各种国内外精品资源| 真实国产乱子伦对白视频37P| 无码精品午夜在线视频观看不卡| 无码国产伦一区二区三区视频| 国产乱子伦精品视频| GOGOGO高清在线观看免费韩国| 无码人妻久久久一二三69|